East Contemporary

Category: Germany

transmediale: Ruth Catlow, Zachary Formwalt, Demystification Committee “Capturing the Face of Finance”

Berlin, 19:30, Feb 2, 2018, https://transmediale.de Ruth Catlow: Finance is the coordination of large amounts of money and capital. Destruction of indigenous lifestyles, replaced by capitalism. We are all indigenous. Brett Scott (Book: Heretics guide to Finance) worked in finance as an “undercover anthropologist”. Zachary Formwalt: Representation of stock exchange building architecture. Existing stock exchanges,…

transmediale: Jonathan Beller “Derivative Living”

Berlin, Feb 2, 2018, https://transmediale.de/ Matteo Pasquinelli moderated the discussion / keynote lecture of Jonathan Beller. I value Beller for his work on the cinematic mode of production: the thesis, that media “consumers” are actually not consumers at all but cognitive workers creating value through the allocation of their quantifiable attention. In his talk, Beller…

documenta 14: Learning from Athens?

Kassel, Germany, June 10 – September 17, 2017, http://www.documenta14.de At first sight Documenta 14 appeared as very “political”. There were a lot of works seemingly addressing political topics, criticizing capitalism and its inherent relationship. At first sight, that is. After spending some time walking around, this first impression gave way to another reading. I felt…

Spektrum, “Sound Anatomy XI”: Axel Dörner, Richard Scott & Michael Vorfeld

Berlin, 8pm, February 4, 2017, http://spektrumberlin.de Spektrum is a space specializing in the intersection of art, science and community as its tagline says. At street level, one enters through a laid back and comfortably designed lounge area with sofas, chairs, a bar and dim lighting. At the back side is a medium-sized room with a…

Transmediale: Steve Kurtz, Johannes Paul Raether “Strange Ecologies: From Necropolitics to Reproductive Revolutions”

Berlin, 6pm-8pm, February 5, 2017, https://2017.transmediale.de Johannes Paul Raether was talking first. His artwork Protektor.x.x has been also part of the transmediale exhibition. All his thought seem to be channeled through the set of colorful clown-like alter ego performances, where he addresses the questions of gender and biotechnology. He talked about witches preventing a rationalization…

transmediale: Natalie Fenton, Robert Latham, Jutta Weber, Krystian Woznicki “Friendly Fire: What Is It to Re-think Radical Politics, Today?”

Berlin, February 04, 2017, http://transmediale.de First the three panelists each had 10-15 minute presentations, followed by a longer discussion, all moderated by Krystian Woznicki. Jutta Weber talked about technology, the fact that technology is not neutral. She talked about databases and their never-ending-list-like structure that is very different from the narrative storytelling inherent in prior,…