East Contemporary

Category: _Writing about

Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art: „Memory, Stare, Wish“ Memorial exhibition for the 10th anniversary of the Sewol Ferry Disaster

Lee Woosung 이우성

Ansan, April 12 – July 14, 2024, https://gmoma.ggcf.kr GMoMA is located in the middle of a nice park with a lake at the outskirts of Ansan City. It also happens to be in the neighborhood to the Danwon High School, whose students were the unfortunate passengers of the Sewol Ferry, which sunk near the south-west…

Ujeongguk: “Forking room 2024 – hyper super x-large … boom”

Seoul, April 19 – April 27, 2024, http://ujeongguk.com & https://www.forkingroom.kr It has been 9 years since my last visit. Ujeongguk is still there and looks about the same. The current exhibition seems to be organized by an entity called “Forking Room” and is in fact a mini-festival consisting of an art show, artist talks, lectures…

Ilmin Museum of Art „Foreverism: Endless Horizons“

Seoul, April 12 – June 23, 2024, https://ilmin.org A show dealing with nostalgia and the never-ending „retro“ longing for something in time/space away from one’s current place. A craving that is also fuelled by media technology that allows us to share our attention between multiple places/times simultaneously. I am here, but I could be there,…