(11/22/2013 – 2/2/2014) Dittrichova 9/337, Prague 2, http://www.tranzitdisplay.cz tranzitdisplay is an independent art space where it is always worth to stop by. It usually takes a couple of doorbell rings before someone comes up to open the door for you, but don’t despair and keep ringing, as said, it’s worth it. What sets tranzitdisplay apart…
Tag: tranzitdisplay
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Lecture/Performance/Event, Prague
tranzitdisplay: Avdej Ter-Oganjan vs. Jiri Cernicky Artist Talk
by EC •

Avdej Ter-Oganjan @ tranzitdisplay, December 16, 2010 18:00 tranzitdisplay art space organized an artist talk with Avdej Ter-Oganjan, a Russian artist who was persecuted in Russia because of his controversial artworks which supposedly “instilled religious hatred and political unrest”. He lives in Czech Republic now, where he received political asylum. One of his trademark actions…
_Writing about, Czech Republic, Europe, Exhibitions, Prague
tranzitdisplay: Harun Farocki
by EC •

tranzitdisplay (www.tranzitdisplay.cz), Prague, May 27 – August 30, 2009 The Harun Farocki exhibition in tranzitdisplay is small, but refreshing. Each of the tree rooms are used for the presentation of one work: Schnittstelle/Interface (1995), Arbeiter verlassen die Fabrik/Workers Leaving the Factory (2006) and On the Construction of Griffith’s Films (2006). From this three works, Interface…